olRuminants | Tecnovit



At Tecnovit we create nutritional solutions that help the cattle, sheep and goat sector to produce high quality meat and milk to meet the demands of a constantly growing population, while promoting sustainable production systems.

We offer our customers a tailor-made formulation service and personalised technical advice to optimise zootechnical parameters, improve production efficiency and maximise profitability. We understand nutrition from a holistic point of view, associating our nutritional programmes with an on-farm audit service in terms of biosecurity, management and animal welfare.


Our aim is to provide farmers with innovative alternatives to the use of antibiotics, as well as other traditional medicines and chemical treatments for the care of their animals, allowing us to respond to the main production challenges depending on the species and its health status:

  • Ensure an optimal physiological state during the peripartum period, to prevent associated pathologies such as pregnancy toxemia, ketosis, retained placenta, metritis, or abomasum displacement.
  • Promote the proper development of the digestive system in the first weeks of life to guarantee the animal’s optimal performance in adulthood. Additionally, our solutions take into account other risk factors for the appearance of digestive pathologies, such as insufficient and/or low-quality colostrum intake, immunosuppression states, or high levels of environmental contamination.
  • Prevent issues related to posture and lameness that can affect farm productivity, especially in dairy cows at the start of lactation and calves during the fattening period, thanks to the incorporation of highly bioavailable minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.
  • Reduce stress situations that can cause a decrease in intake, growth, milk production, and reproductive capacity.
  • Improve meat quality and prolong its shelf life, by reducing the occurrence of oxidative phenomena, through the incorporation of natural antioxidants in the diet.
  • Preserve the quality of the ration to prevent the development of mycotoxin-producing fungi that contaminate raw materials and feed, compromising productive performance and animal health.